When changing a booking you can edit;
- The time the booking occurs
- The hourly rate
- The day of the week the booking occurs
- Location the booking takes place
- Booking Services and Service Request Instructions
- Additional Service Rates
When making these changes to a booking you can choose to apply them to an entire roster or a single booking within a roster.
If you need to change;
- The Primary Support Type
... you will need to cancel the repeating booking and setup a new repeating booking.
If you are looking to change individual bookings, check out our guide to Change One-Off Bookings.
Go to the next upcoming booking for the schedule.
Click the booking.
Then click the Change Booking button.
Because you are changing all Bookings in the ongoing support bookings, make sure to click 'This Booking and All Future Bookings'.
Make your changes and click Next.
Check the Summary and click 'Request Change'.
The Support Worker will be asked to accept the booking changes.
If they don't or haven't accepted the changes, the original booking is still active.
The Changed booking will show in Tasks until the Support Worker approves the changes.