All Support Workers on Kynd are self-employed and use their own ABN.

Before their profile and listing is approved, they pass  a series of verifications.


Minimum verifications for Support Workers:

- Government Photo ID and matching details 
- Worker ID (NDIS Worker Screening Clearance) 
- Registered ABN (Australian Business Number) 

And either: 

a. First Aid Certificate; or 

b. Certificate III or IIII in Individual Support, Home & Community Care, Disability or Ageing; or 

c. Nursing degree 

A Working With Children Check is also required to support people under 18 years. 


You can look for Support Workers with specific qualifications or certifications (or experience).

Be sure to list any specifics you're seeking within your 'Job Posts'.

You are welcome to request a complimentary Meet & Greet and additional information.