As an NDIS Participant, you have the right to receive high quality, safe, person centred supports.

Sometimes, things might not go as planned, and you might have feedback or a complaint about your supports.

To help, Kynd provides a Feedback & Complaint Form, or you can contact the Kynd Team directly.

If your feedback or a complaint is about an Independent Support Worker provider booked on Kynd, we will request consent to share relevant information with the Independent Support Worker. You can choose not to provide consent, but that may limit how Kynd is able to assist you.

If your feedback or a complaint is about abuse, neglect, violence, a serious injury, unlawful sexual or physical contact, sexual misconduct, or the unauthorised use of a restrictive practice, Kynd might need to report this information to relevant authorities, even without your consent.


What is Feedback?

Feedback is any information you share about your experience with your NDIS Provider. It can be positive or negative and helps Kynd and/or your Independent Support Worker understand what's working well and what could be improved.


What is a Complaint?

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction about your NDIS Provider. It's important to remember that you have the right to make a complaint if you're unhappy with any aspect of your supports.


Your Rights

  • To be heard: NDIS Providers must listen to your feedback and complaints.
  • To be respected: Feedback and complaints should be treated seriously and respectfully.
  • To be informed: NDIS Providers should explain their complaints process in ways you understand.
  • To be updated: NDIS Providers should keep you informed about progress and certain outcomes.
  • To be supported: You have the right to ask for help to make or escalate a complaint.
  • To escalate complaints: If you're not happy with the outcome, or your compliant is serious, contact the NDIS Commission.


Tips for Providing Feedback and Making Complaints

  • Be clear and specific: Explain what you're unhappy with and what outcome you're hoping for.
  • Keep records: Keep a record of your communications with your NDIS Provider.
  • Seek support: If you need help making a complaint or understanding your rights, contact an advocate.
  • Know your options: You can contact the NDIS Commission if you're not satisfied with the resolution.


How to make a complaint to the NDIS Commission

  • Complete the online complaint form  
  • Call 1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) or TTY 133 677. Interpreters can be arranged 
  • National Relay Service: ask for 1800 035 544 

The NDIS Commission is open Monday to Friday 9am - 6.30pm AEDT (closed public holidays)


Helpful Resources

NDIS participant welcome pack

NDIS booklets and factsheets

When something goes wrong
