Once a support booking is finished, it will show up as Submit Now.
You don’t have to do anything with this booking until the Support Worker submits it.
We show this to you so that you can stay in the loop with bookings at all times.
Your Support Worker is then able to submit the completed booking for your approval.
If needed, they can make changes before submitting the booking.
(such as changes to the booking start or end time or agreed rates)
Once your Support Worker submits a booking, it will show in your Tasks as Approve Now.
This means it's ready for you to approve it.
We do this so you're always able to review bookings before invoicing and payment.
You can select all the bookings you want to approve to 'bulk approve' from this list.
Click the Approve Button and the submitted bookings will then become approved.
If you want to see more info, you can click on a booking and click Approve Booking.
If you need to, you can click Dispute Booking and add a reason.
This will allow your Support Worker to make changes, then re-submit the booking.